Orbit Space 3D Live Wallpaper shows an alien universe with three planets, various meteors, distant galaxies, and a unique actively burning star at the center. Explore the universe yourself by swiping up or down.Swipe Up: Move View Away from Center - then Repeat from closest celestial body. Swipe Down: Move View Towards Center - then Repeat from farthest celestial body.Swipe Left/Right: Pan the View Left or Right
Double Tap: Access the settingsTwo-Finger Double Tap: Randomize the Universe
With twelve planets, twelve moons, six suns, six universe themes, and a large range of customization options, this version of Orbit Space 3D Live Wallpaper allows you to create a view of the universe at any point in its life-cycle.
To Apply:Go into your application drawer -> Pick "Orbit Space 3D" -> Then pick "Orbit Space 3D" again at the Set Wallpaper Menu.
Otherwise:Home -> Menu -> Wallpaper -> Live Wallpaper -> Orbit Space 3D -> Set Wallpaper
IMPORTANT NOTE: To access settings, just double tap on the main home screen. Accessing settings via the Set Wallpaper menu will cause this application to crash and have some undesirable behavior. If this accidentally happens to you - simply set the wallpaper to something else - and then reset it back to Orbit Space 3D.
Also, this wallpaper is graphically intensive - to make sure your device can handle it - please download the free version first. As support for this product grows, I will have more resources to optimize this more for most devices.
The universe can be created with a new set of unique planets at any time by double tapping with two fingers.
List of Available Planets:1. Dystopia2. Rubicund3. Abyss4. Tundra5. Erosion6. Quartz7. Minerva8. Sandstone9. Prospect10. Frozen11. Snowcap12. Oceanic
List of Available Moons:1. Ares2. Moss3. Grimstone4. Aspen5. Exploit6. Desiccate 7. Devoid8. Arsnic9. Europos10. Jade11. Sandstorm12. Viola
List of Available Universe Themes:1. Prism2. Mulierum3. Varuna4. Amethyst5. Vitality6. Contrast
There are many options - to view the settings simply double tap on the screen:
OPTIONS:+ Set Predefined Suns (6 available)+ Set Predefined Planets (12 available)+ Set Predefined Moons (12 available)+ Set Predefined Universe Themes (6 available)+ Set Sun On/Off+ Set Planets On/Off+ Set Meteors On/Off+ Set Distant Galaxies On/Off+ Set Smaller Stars On/Off+ Set Camera Distance+ Set Two Finger Tap To Randomize On/Off+ Set To Manually Scroll Scene
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